Look2 Registration Software - Revision History Look 2 Consulting, LLC www.Look2Consulting.com This is just a brief listing of what's new in each version of the software. Please refer to the Look2 Registration Manual for additional details. ================================================================================= Rev: 6.3.z Main changes in this revision: 1 - Address Placeholder button added to screens where address can be edited 2 - Visit Tracking fields enhanced 3 - Tracking numbers can now store $ values (allows for decimal points) 4 - Todays Report dynamically allocates space for Tracking Field values 5 - Built-in Report for Households Served now includes Tracking fields 6 - Excel Summary Report Overview auto-formats decimals for Track data 7 - Tracking example added to Custom SQL Excel report 8 - Canadian Zip Codes supported 9 - TEFAP choice added to Create New Household ("Only" populates blank fields) 10 - Option to prompt for people placeholders when creating a new household (.2) --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes (per .z update): 6.3.1 (7/16/24) - Visit Type Prompt number entries are wider, allow decimal point - More room on Today's Report for more digits in tracking numbers - Default DATA db supplied now has Track fields allowing decimals for $ tracking - Trim spaces off of Tracking Label definitions - Custom SQL examples format year with 4 digits (avoids Excel flag) - Updated example Backup batch file in the Resources directory - Excel Summary Report: - Personal Questions rows and summation extended - If HHQ1 does not contain "employ", Households B4,B5 not populated - "Interested","NotQualified" added as example answers to HHQ2 - "Multiracial" entry is no longer hyphenated in a new Race table (existing users see below) - PQ1 supplied (new installation) example populated with "Relationship to Primary Contact?", with answers of: Self, Spouse/Partner, Child, Grandchild, Sibling, Parent, Grandparent, Niece/Nephew, Aunt/Uncle, Other 6.3.2 (8/15/24) - Verification Date and Past Due is hidden if TEFAP=Only - Required Fields for adding new people have thicker borders to visually stand out - Names beginning with 'Senior' omitted from duplicate checks 6.3.3 (9/21/24) - Edit existing patron doesn't show error message if hiding Ethnicity 6.3.4 (9/26/24) - Prevent MS Access from using its built-in auto-correction of certain names 6.3.5 (11/26/24) - Special Command form allows "Select" (returns the count) - When creating new household, once again check for blank DOB (as it was pre-v6.0) To identify any blank DOB's, use command below (or just sort DATA Patron table): Select FirstName FROM Patron WHERE isnull(dateOfBirth) To fix any existing blanks, use command below (or hand-enter DATA Patron table): UPDATE PATRON SET dateOfBirth = '1/1/1971', updatedBy = "SQLfixDOB" WHERE isnull(dateOfBirth) ----------------------------- *** OPTIONAL MANUAL DB UPDATE (done by hand to backend database tables) If 'Multiracial' is desired instead of 'Multi-racial', run these 2 commands: UPDATE tblRace SET Race = "Multiracial" WHERE Race = "Multi-racial" UPDATE Patron SET Race = "Multiracial" WHERE Race = "Multi-racial" If $ tracking is desired: - DATA Design HouseholdVisit: Track1,Track2,Track3: Field Size = Decimal; Scale = 2 If Canadian Zip Codes are desired: - CONFIG Design tblZipCodes: Data Type = Short Text; Field Size = 10; Rule = Like "#####" Or Like "#####-####" Or Like "[A-Z]#[A-Z] #[A-Z]#" Or Like "[A-Z]#[A-Z]#[A-Z]#" Or Like "[A-Z]#[A-Z]" ================================================================================= Rev: 6.2.z Main changes in this revision: 1 - TEFAP answers "Yes"/"No" now has 3rd option: "Only" 2 - TEFAP ONLY shown on visit ticket and shopping slip (if true) 3 - Race Required option added to Parameters 4 - Show Ethnicity option added to Parameters (useful for "Hispanic/Latino" race) 5 - CustomSQL Excel Report includes buttons to pre-fill example reports 6 - Special Command entry form added 7 - Visit Date Override button turns yellow if date other than today is selected --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes (per .z update): 6.2.1 (5/22/24) - Prevent CTRL-ENTER (new line CRLF) in the First/Last Name fields - Allow apostrophes in answers to household questions - PreReg Houshold Questions 4-6 remembered for Previous Button - PreReg tooltips added to table to show questions if using P1,P2,P3 - Adjustments to Report Screen layout, icons - RegistrationSummary Excel report: - "Yes/No" used for TEFAP overview chart labels - "For Dates" removed from overview header - "x =" symbols added to overview numbers - TEFAP ONLY total appears below overview chart (if nonzero) 6.2.2 (6/7/24) - DOB Column wider in Deactivated List - Past Due notice not shown for people in TEFAP "Only" household - HH w/Children example added to Custom SQL Report *** AUTOMATIC DB UPDATE for 6.2 (updated via GUI software): - DATA: Household TEFAPONLY field added ================================================================================= Rev: 6.1.z Main changes in this revision: 1 - Tracking Item #3 added to database 2 - Visit history table shows 3rd column (if configured) 3 - Today's Report (on main screen) optionally shows 3rd tracking column 4 - Excel Summary Report optionally shows 3rd Tracking item 5 - Prompt for Visit Type dialog window layout changed: 6 - Appears even if only 1 track label is defined 7 - Checkboxes for the 3 tracking labels (so they can be picked in combination) 8 - Value boxes shown when selected, prepopulated with "1" 9 - Prepopulated with # Seniors if track = "Senior", "Sr.Box", or "CSFP" 10 - Custom Note #4 added (Configurator, Notes, Visit Ticket, and Shopping Slip) 11 - Age Range Totals added to Household Data Screen, grayed when count = 0 12 - Question Editor layout changed, enhanced: 13 - Historical Answers to HH and Personal Questions can be renamed 14 - HH and Personal Questions preview shown to help when changing these entries 15 - Delete Question button added 16 - Race table now supplied with the newly approved categories, adding: Hispanic/Latino MiddleEast/N.African --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes (per .z update): 6.1.0 (4/09/24) - School Age and the Diaper symbols moved to age range area, hide if count is 0 - PreRegistration status auto-updates after closing Import and Settings windows - PreRegister program changes: - Splash Screen added for auto-relinking (v.b 3/20/24) - Access RuntimeOnly supported (v.b 3/20/24) - Add Another Person button made larger, Finished button made smaller - Finished button text change to "Done Adding People" - DOB ignores alpha characters, substitutes incorrect date separators 6.1.1 (4/23/24) - Age directly calculated to circumvent MS Access issue of intermittent null age - Shopping Slip Settings shows 2nd column in separate table (matched report layout) *** AUTOMATIC DB UPDATE for 6.1 (updated via GUI software): - DATA: HouseholdVisit Track3 column added - CONFIG: tblImages and tblParameters: Custom Note Icon 4 added - CONFIG: description changed for the two Tracking entries ================================================================================= Rev: 6.0.z Main changes in this revision: 1 - Duplicate check improvements when creating a new person. Tables shown for: - Similar Names (partial FirstName and LastName matching 1st 4 chars) - People with same DOB - Similar Addresses (when first creating the household) 2 - Delete Person button added to Edit window, enabled if person has no visit history 3 - Delete Visits, People, HHs added to Admin Window - Option to Delete Old Visit History - Option to Delete People/Households without Visits - Option to Delete someone with visit history 4 - Flagged Household Note field added: keeps note prominent, won't get lost with lots of notes - Can make any Quick Note a Flagged Note via checkbox in selection dialog - Admin Note Search has option to search Flagged Note 5 - "Inactive" registrar role: hides Registrar from sign-in selection list (sign in not allowed) 6 - "Express" registrar role: hides Household data (contact, questions, diet, TEFAP), hides PreReg 7 - Station Type (Express, Normal) added to tbl_MyPC (if Express, overrides role) 8 - Homeless icon added to Visit Ticket and Shopping Slip 9 - Reprint Visit Ticket automatically includes button-pressed icons based on note search 10 - ID Barcode Scan now Auto-edits household (if primary contact is active for that ID) 11 - Reactivating someone then jumps to editing their household 12 - Duplicate Search has option to match either first or last name, and exclude Jan 1 DOB 13 - Visit Type Prompt changed from True/False to Yes/No/Both 14 - Track1/Track2 show up on Today's Summary Report if configured 15 - CustomSQL_Report.xlsm: updated layout & examples, auto-detect notes column 16 - PRE-Registration feature added: - Interview style for users to pre-enter their own household information - Language Switchable (supplied with Spanish, can edit) - Asks optional Household Questions, Personal Questions, and Dietary choices - Emphasizes need for IDs, proof of address - Registrar can see "In Progress" - Registrar can Import into main database - Duplicate check for selected people (similar names, similar address, exact DOB) --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes (per .z update): 6.0.1 (2/8/24) - Prevent double-clicking of the Save new person button - Layout updated for New Person/Household (to accommodate duplicate check lists) - Visit Ticket parameters getting cleared show on ticket as "--" - Prompt for Visit Type ignored if both tracking labels are not defined - Added PREReg database path to Settings Screen, and part of Backup process - Military label prepended with "US " - Household Data Screen is slightly larger (track columns now wider, notes now taller) - Made Quick Note selection window taller - Homeless indicator moved to the right (so if hiding address, this can still be seen) - Chalkboard design updated on main screen - Auto Barcode Scan turned off for Admin Reactivate Find - Added "Macros Not Run" message in Excel reports - Streetname Trailsway not auto-corrected - 1920x1200 screen resolution also supported *** AUTOMATIC DB UPDATE for 6.0 (updated via GUI software): - DATA: Household - FlaggedNote field added - Links to PRE-Registration database - tblParameters: Prompt for Track (True or False) changed to (Yes, No, Both) - MyPC: added Station Type (Express, Normal) - CONFIG: LongText AnswerChoices for new installations (existing can manually change) 6.0.2 (2/25/24) - If a Household Question is blank, copying them to PreReg also clears alternate languages - Personal Question answer combos show up to 25 items before scrolling (was 16) - Made room for longer addresses in duplicate check when creating new household - Made room for longer names when moving someone into another household - HH Answer Dropdowns made slightly wider - Runtime-Only Access environment better supported (app switch, minimize not allowed) 6.0.3 (3/05/24) - Flagged Note won't be copied to another household after immediate edit - Reactivating into household with a today's visit properly adds their visitID - Chalkboard Organization Name made wider - Possible Duplicates screen: taller, HH Notes now selectable/scrollable - PreReg Improvements: - HH/Personal Questions and Names can handle apostrophes - Confirmation message after copying questions to languages, auto-scroll to Q1 - Answers to HH/PQ's copied to alternate languages too - PreReg Import button hides/shows without having to log in again 6.0.4 (3/16/24) - PreRegistration status shown on the chalkboard (if enabled) - PreRegistration Settings has button to reset Q&As (to hide them in PreReg) - Delete Person who was selected for household viewing now selects next person in list - Ages show up in household list after importing (MS Access issue work-around) - MyPC table header added in the Settings screen - Double-click will auto-edit from the duplicate check tables - Double-click will reactivate a deactivated person in Add New Household Member - Don't show confirmation after pressing Reactive Button (eliminates a click) - PreRegister program changes: - Next buttons made larger - Phone/DOB wider (in case people don't advance and keep typing) - Spanish word Domicilio changed to Direccion Actual - Address auto-cleaned (but not capitalized) ================================================================================= Rev: 5.3.z Main changes in this revision: 1 - Added option (per PC) to show Minimize button on the main screen 2 - Birthday Icon prints only if the Birthday Button is pressed for that Household --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes (per .z update): 5.3.1 (5/10/23) - Switch to another Look2 app will restore that window if it was minimized - Checks if instance of program is already running on same machine - Some updates to the supplied examples - If another Look2 app was running but is not anymore, focus set to Refresh 5.3.2 (9/22/23) - Moving someone into a new household adds the registrar's initials to the note - Household Registration screen: birthday icon "rounds" Age, while patron list doesn't 5.3.3 (9/30/23) - Font Calibri forced to work around Microsoft update bug (so forms have correct font) ================================================================================= Rev: 5.2.z Main changes in this revision: 1 - Visit Ticket right-hand edge can be customized (editable image) 2 - Added link to Look2 Online Image Library above images table in Settings --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes (per .z update): 5.2.1 (3/16/23) - Visit Ticket # label now uppercase with arrows - Summation of Track1/Track2 on Excel overview sheet matches timeframe ================================================================================= Rev: 5.1.z Main changes in this revision: 1 - Custom Notes/Icons Editor created. They can also be edited so they can: 2 - be dependent on TEFAP being Yes 3 - be disabled (instead of having to wipe out its definition) 4 - have household size restriction be a range 5 - have age restriction be a range 6 - Visit Frequency can also be specified as #/week (format changed to #,M/W/D) --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes (per .z update): 5.1.1 (3/2/23) - Custom Icon notes can have commas within the text - Birthday Icon Ages font size increased - Birthday Icon changed to a birthday cake - Shopping Slip footer thumbnail added to editor - Test Visit Ticket printing hides dietary items if options are disabled - Logo usage within built-in reports standardized to 1.75" x 1" (168 x 96) 5.1.2 (3/4/23) - Added "CreatedBy" name to the Check for Duplicates screen - Search window a little taller (for more rows in results) - Search help text mentions using space key to enter multiple criteria - Leading spaces in name are trimmed after leaving field when editing person - Merge within household properly disappears after last person gets merged - Improved help text under Household Notes search 5.1.3 (3/9/23) - Visit Ticket 1/4" wider for better Dymo550 paper tearing margin ================================================================================= Rev: 5.0.z Main changes in this revision: 1 - Laundry and Custom Box icons/notes now converted to new "configurable" notes 2 - Custom Notes/Icons (3): define message, image, if age and/or household size dependent 3 - Custom Icon moved from Resources directory into DB (along with 2 more) 4 - TEFAP question (and TEFAP chart in Excel Summary) can be optionally hidden 5 - Shopping Slip now shows all 3 custom icons 6 - Signin Notice remains on login screen (no longer a pop-up) 7 - ID Card background moved from Resources directory into DB 8 - Check for Duplicates report enhanced, eliminated the Excel version of the tool 9 - Added Counts per Day to CustomSQL report examples 10 - CustomSQL Report now updates the Pivot Table to match the query fields 11 - Partial (1st 4 characters) lastname match warning also given in Create New Household --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes (per .z update): 5.0.1 (1/27/23) - Configuration settings item descriptions updated, resorted so like items are together - Shopping Slip diaper icon moved next to 0-3 age count and now matches Visit Ticket icon - Icons for School-age and Diapers in Household screen now B&W (since info-only) - Prompt for Visit Type now hides Both button if only 1 Track item is configured - Changed "Cancel" button in print visit ticket dialog to "Don't Print" - Handle Visit Ticket numbers when a 2nd PC has a different time - Added a reminder to Delete Visit confirmation that Visit Ticket numbers will be affected - Notes Search report font darkened, so when exporting to Excel the font is black 5.0.2 (1/29/23) - Adjusted right margin on Visit Ticket (for non-Dymo printers) - Added link to Look2 website for custom icons 5.0.3 (2/1/23) - Create New Household dialog: moved the "duplicate name warning" just below the name entry - Duplicate name search also ignores names of "Unknown" and "Need" (in addition to "Child", "Adult") - Reprint Visit Ticket button not shown on first edit if a printer is not configured 5.0.4 (2/6/23) - Visit Limit warning moved to above the Add Visit button (cleaned up warning dialog too) - Moved Reprint Visit Ticket to above the Print ID Card button 5.0.5 (2/21/23) - Better handling of setting focus in Refresh HH Data on slow machines *** DB UPDATE REQUIRED for 5.0 (takes about 2 minutes to complete these steps): (Make a backup copy prior to converting) - DATA: PatronInVisit - do the 4.5.4 DB update changes per that section below - DATA: SpecialEventParticipation: primary key to AutoNumber, delete row from table NextId - CONFIG: tblParameters: add numeric field "SortOrder", copy new ordinals and descriptions - CONFIG: tblParameters: convert ID 9 (either blank or "Laundry Detergent,,2") - CONFIG: tblParameters: convert ID 16 (either blank or "Gave [Senior/Badger] Box.",>=60") - CONFIG: add 3 icon images and also ID card background image into tblImages - CONFIG: Show TEFAP (determine if it should be True or False) - Use Compact tool for Config and Data DB if so desired ================================================================================= Rev: 4.5.z Main changes in this revision: 1 - Pop-up note can be shown (with optional link) when Registrar signs in (Parameters 24, 25) 2 - Test Printer buttons added to Settings screen for Visit Tickets and ID Cards 3 - Moved majority of old built-in Reports to "Legacy Reports", rearranged Reports Screen 4 - Excel Summary Report updated: 5 - Household Visit Count worksheet added 6 - "Created" worksheet tab renamed to "New" 7 - New Households by City added to New tab 8 - New Household/People details added to New tab 9 - Reprint Visit Ticket button added --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes (per .z update): 4.5.1 (1/2/23) - Username/Password signin fields moved higher (for tablet virtual keyboards) - The role of "Reports" shows up in dropdown even if noone has been assigned to that role - Adjustments for SQL Express backend 4.5.2 (1/6/23) - If main screen < 1920x1080, move just the Exit button left (to help exit software) - Optimize update/print sequence; only play "Save Sound" if not printing visit ticket - Visit ticket numbers won't duplicate if simultaneous visits are recorded from multiple PCs 4.5.3 (1/13/23) - If user leaves Household edit session open overnight, new date used for subsequent edits - Excel Summary extends zips/cities summation, filters added to raw new/hhcount columns - Improved message if a mapped R drive is not connected - Visit Tickets won't print if the Visit Date has been overwritten 4.5.4 (1/25/23) - adding/reactivating a person in a household with a visit today prompts if they should be added to count - Optimized adding multiple people to visit table from multiple PCs - Handle Visit Ticket numbers when a 2nd PC has a different time *** DB UPDATE REQUIRED for 4.5.4 (takes about 1 minute to complete these steps): (Make a backup copy prior to converting) - PatronInVisit: add new field PK_PatronInVisit, DataType = AutoNumber, set as PrimaryKey - Delete old field PK_PatronInVisit (and PatronInVisit row from table NextId) - Use Compact tool for DATA DB if so desired ================================================================================= Rev: 4.4.z Main changes in this revision: 1 - Notes Search print button brings up report so all results can be printed 2 - If Visit Date is overridden, Birthday, Custom Box, Laundry, QuickNote buttons use that date 3 - "Didn't Add Visit" dialog replaced with one having more descript buttons 4 - Excel Custom SQL now has date wildcards for both Start and End Date elements 5 - Custom Item note button added; appears on Visit Ticket too. 6 - CustomItemIcon.jpg added to Resources directory (and some examples too) 7 - Parameter 22 added: "Allow Registrars to Override Visit Date (default = False)" 8 - Parameter 23 added: "Custom Item Note (hide if blank)" --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes (per .z update): 4.4.1 (10/10/22) - Notes Search wider/taller, hides Primary & Active columns when box checked - Better message when R: drive is mapped to networked PC that is currently down - Excel Summary formatted for city/zip overruns, handles no DOB, New city/zip sorted by count 4.4.2 (10/14/22) - ID Card dpi adjustment for MagicCard300 printer 4.4.3 (11/29/22) - Added Aggregate Households to the Excel report 12-month trend table - Changed sort order for Patron Visits by Month internal report - Shortcuts point to C:\Look2Software\Registration (mapped drive icons don't work in Win11) ================================================================================= Rev: 4.3.z Main changes in this revision: 1 - Senior Box more versatile: label is variable (e.g., "Badger"), age limit >= or <= 2 - Parameter 16 changed: from "Senior Box Icon Age (0 = hidden)" to "Custom Box (optional age, hide if blank)" 3 - ID Card uses a background image (in Resources folder) to define top section and border 4 - Visit Ticket: added Diaper Icon, rearranged and resized elements --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes (per .z update): 4.3.1 (8/24/22) - Switch to other Look2 software button uses another method to activate window - Added batch file to launch multiple Look2 Software with 1 icon - ID Card: margins adjusted for Plastic Card printers, also first name font larger ================================================================================= Rev: 4.2.z Main changes in this revision: 1 - Changes to filenames for consistency (prepend "Look2_", remove version) 2 - No other big feature updates, but changes to layout for consistency with other modules --------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes (per .z update): 4.2.1 (5/26/22) - Main screen layout adjustments (colors, font sizes, logo, etc.) - Report screen layout changed (main Excel links on top) - Updated resources directory - Updated message in Excel Report if it cannot connect to DB 4.2.2 (6/7/22) - When editing existing person, First Name field gets focus if name starts with "Adult" or "Child" - Added link to EULA (in Resources directory) via the Settings screen 4.2.3 (7/6/22) - ID Card made slightly narrower, to fit a standard CR80 size (3.375"x2.125") - Excel Report: row isn't skipped if there are zero children served - Excel Report: subtotal Pivot Table w/ Tracking fields by year; sum on Overview (7/19/22) ================================================================================= Rev: 4.1.C Date: 5/14/2022 Main Update Summary: 1 - Added a Backup Button to the Settings Screen 2 - Besides "English; Spanish; Other; OptOut", you can now add up to 7 additional languages to the dropdown list ("Hmong; Vietnamese" are added by default). Also rearranged Excel Summary Report to accommodate more languages. 3 - Added "Age Placeholder" button for entering generic date by age-range in DOB field 4 - When editing an address, a Canadian Postal Code can be entered ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Switch to other Look2 software button now says program might have pending Office Updates - Sort built-in Language report by count descending ================================================================================= Rev: 4.1.B Date: 3/3/2022 Main Update Summary: no new features ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - gave more room for duplicate warning message in Add Household Member list - made DOB column wider in Deactivated Household Members list - handle user pressing ESC key while adding household member (now closes dialog) - exit focus, and rs close after merging inactive household members ================================================================================= Rev: 4.1 A Date: 1/28/2022 Main Update Summary: 1 - Button appears if either Inventory or Volunteer software is running on the same machine, allowing to switch to that app. 2 - Warn of possible duplicate name when creating a new household even when DOB may not match (ignores "Child"/"Adult" name placeholders) 3 - Added a "Check for Duplicates" feature for Admins 4 - Created an Excel report to show list of potential duplicate people 5 - Improved Excel CustomSQL Report (filename prefix option, more examples, Month-to-Date button, etc.) 6 - Report screen has "Month to Date" quick-set button and "Check for Duplicates" button 7 - When moving someone into an existing household, can now also search by HouseholdID. Also show the HHID for person being moved. ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - The specialty note buttons (e.g., Senior Box) can add the description to households with lots of Notes - Search Notes print button now prints just the list results snapshot - Add time of last update to the Chalkboard on the main login screen ================================================================================= Rev: 4.0 F Date: 9/3/2021 Main Update Summary: 1. More than 1 Quick Note can be selected and inserted at the same time (use CTRL-Click) 2. Allow non-numeric Alternate IDs to be scanned 3. Auto-dropdown combo lists for better use with touchscreens ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Made the answer boxes for Household Questions a little wider - Added Report Title and Button preview text in the Questions Editor - Added PQ1, PQ2, PQ3 questions to the tooltip for the household names list control - Clicking on an entry in the Table of Contents of the User Manual PDF now automatically takes you to that section in the PDF - Special Event signup button won't appear until the SignupStartDate (.F build) - Keep Lane for " Lane Street" (.F build) - Changed Window Title to "Look2 Registration" ================================================================================= Rev: 4.0 E Date: 8/13/2021 Main Update Summary: 1. Added a Reports printer field to MyPC settings (uses windows default printer if blank) 2. If someone clicks within initial "Find text" rather than simply typing, it clears it for them (helpful for touch-screens) 3. If the Senior Box button has been pressed, it will appear on the Visit Ticket (which was made wider to accommodate this) ================================================================================= Rev: 4.0 D Date: 4/16/2021 Main Update Summary: 1. Added check when editing a household to see if there's a primary person in the HH, warn if not ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Disable the Find button while saving a visit record ================================================================================= Rev: 4.0-C Date: 3/16/2021 Main Update Summary: 1. Added icon to Visit Ticket when it's for a new household 2. Added Reset All button to Shopping Slip preferences dialog 3. Delete Person dialog also includes searching by HHID, shows primary/active in table, and it remains open upon deletion 4. Application itself gets maximized at startup so pop-up windows are better centered 5. Added Unique People Age Categories to Excel reporting tool's summary page ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Added screen resolution and scaling check to startup (1920x1080 @ 100%) - Added better error message when Excel report files are not found in the same directory as the GUI file - Allow name to be blank on ID Cards, Shopping Slips ================================================================================= Rev: 4.0-B Date: 2/4/2021 Main Update Summary: 1. Made GUI compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit Office. 2. Search Window: - Primary Contact header now "Main", with "*" in column (so it matches what's shown in household table) - Default sort is by LastName - Sub-sorted with Primary Contacts first - Active status shows as Active/no (instead of Yes/No) - HHID shown, so it gets searched even if ScanID button isn't used - City name a bit wider 3. Made Dietary Report subject to the Visit timeframe selection (in the Excel report too) ================================================================================= Rev: 4.0 A Date: 1/26/2021 Main Update Summary: 1. Added Dietary Restriction Tracking 2. Added Shopping Slip preferences, saved per HH, with configurable items (part of "food choice" initiative) 3. Added Dietary worksheet to Excel Report file 4. Moved printer name settings to MYPC database (so each station can have their own local printer names) 5. Added overview worksheet for the Excel Report 6. Added the word "New" in front of any New Household in the Served Today report 7. Added a "NEW" icon to the Shopping Slip if the household was created today 8. Added ability for Admin to edit HH and Person Questions (and clear answers) 9. Added button in Configuration Settings to show installed list of printers 10. Added contact info to the report Special Event Signups: All 11. Auto-initiate a Find when first opening the main household registration page 12. Added option to auto-start the Scan Barcode dialog when using the Find window 13. Excel Report gets visit type labels: if defined, use in Pivot Table (count and sum by those labels) 14. Excel Report offers options to include only visits of specific type (if labels are defined) 15. Added HouseholdID and PatronID to the Excel Primary Contacts list generator ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Discovered if registrar used a question-mark (?) in a name (or other fields), the record changes might not save. Fixed. - Made Answer combo for Personal Questions a bit wider (to accommodate longer answers) - If switching to local DB, ico file reference in DB properties also updated - Changed Configuration Settings tables to have blue text (to match "blue is actionable" design), show the parameter ID column, and hide the records designated as "Future Use " - People Served by City/Zip by Age Group reports have their groups kept together - Household members sorted by age (though Primary Contact gets listed first) - When moving someone, don't include them in search results when looking for a family to move into - When moving someone, don't create a new household if they are already in a household by themselves - If only a partial phone number is entered, give option to continue entering or clear it out - Logo and Organization name refreshes on home screen without having to restart software if they're changed via Settings - Move Someone search change will deselect list and scroll to top of results rather than bottom - Minor adjustments to the Home Screen Layout - Cleaned up (simplified) part of the DB Design ============================ Upgrade steps from v3 to v4: ============================ *** DB UPDATE REQUIRED for 4.0 (takes about 30 minutes to complete these steps: (Make a backup copy of v3 prior to converting to v4) - Registration_MYPC_v3.accdb with tbl_MyPC (multi-workstation configuration and upgrades easier) - CONFIG: tblParameters: moved printer parameters to tbl_MyPC - CONFIG: tblParameters: make 21,22 future use, resize columns in table view - CONFIG: Paramter18 changed to "Autostart Barcode Search in Find (True or False)" - CONFIG: Parameter5 changed to "Show Dietary Restriction Options (True or False)" - CONFIG: Add tblShoppingSlipDef - CONFIG: Add tblDietaryDef - CONFIG: Description for image "Logo" changed to "Logo (w X 165)" - CONFIG: update the ShoppingSlip image to conform to new layout - CONFIG: compact DB - DATA: tblLoginHistory changed to RegistrarLoginHistory - DATA: tblRegistrars changed to Registrars - DATA: run query: Update Patron set CreatedDateTime = PatronAddedDateTime - DATA: add Email and Phone to Patron (after Primary Contact field) - DATA: run UPDATE Query to get phone/email into Patron table - DATA: after merge, delete: ContactInfo, Patron.FK_ContactInfo, Patron.Verified, Patron.PatronAddedDateTime, NextId's ContactInfo - DATA: run query: Update Household set CreatedDateTime = HouseholdAddedDateTime - DATA: add Street, City, State, Zip fields to Household - DATA: delete Household.IntakeDateTime, Household.Elig.*, Household.InServiceArea, Household.HouseholdAddedDateTime - DATA: Run UPDATE Query to get address info into Household table - DATA: after merge, delete: table Address, Household.FK_Address, NextId's Address, SpecialEvent.fk_Address - DATA: Run 4 Querries to change null address/city/state/zip to "" - DATA: change HouseholdVisit.Food to .Track1, .Clothing to .Track2, eliminate .UpdatedDateTime and .UpdatedBy - DATA: eliminate PatronInVisit.UpdatedDateTime and .UpdatedBy - DATA: eliminate SpecialEventParticipation.UpdatedDateTime and .UpdatedBy and .SignupDateTime - DATA: add after Zip fields Household.DietaryNote, Household.Dietary1-6, Household.Shop1-38, adjust column widths - DATA: Run query to capture old dietary restrictions, and save results to excel file in Reports folder - DATA: Run query to set new dietary low-sugar box based on Diabetes restriction - DATA: remove DietaryRestriction and HouseholdVisit from NextId - DATA: Delete table DietaryRestriction - DATA: for those older systems not using Track1/Track2, set them to "" (instead of 0) - DATA: run these queries to set new dietary boxes based on keywords found in Household Notes UPDATE Household SET Household.Diet1 = Yes where Notes like '*sugar*' and Notes not like '*sugar creek*' UPDATE Household SET Household.Diet1 = Yes where Notes like '*diabet*' UPDATE Household SET Household.Diet2 = Yes where Notes like '*salt*' UPDATE Household SET Household.Diet2 = Yes where Notes like '*sodium*' UPDATE Household SET Household.Diet3 = Yes where Notes like '*gluten*' UPDATE Household SET Household.Diet3 = Yes where Notes like '*wheat*' UPDATE Household SET Household.Diet4 = Yes where Notes like '*lactose*' UPDATE Household SET Household.Diet4 = Yes where Notes like '*dairy*' UPDATE Household SET Household.Diet5 = Yes where Notes like '*peanut*' UPDATE Household SET Household.Diet6 = Yes where Notes like '*vegetarian*' UPDATE Household SET Household.Diet6 = Yes where Notes like '*vegan*' For reference, the default values supplied are: Diet1 = Low-Sugar Diet2 = Low-Salt Diet3 = Gluten-Free Diet4 = Dairy-Free Diet5 = Nut-Allergy Diet6 = Vegetarian - DATA: compact DB - DATA/CONFIG file names changed to end with v4 Also, update ShoppingSlip files in the Resources subdirectory When done, delete the file SQL_Querries_For_Rev4Update.txt ================================================================================= Rev: 3.3 H Date: 12/31/2020 Main Update Summary: 1. Added birthday age(s) to the Birthday Button, and also printed on Shopping Slip 2. Birthday icon (and associated ages) included on Visit Ticket ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Shopping Slip and Visit Ticket format adjustments: removed labels to make more room, and TEFAP simply hidden if it's "No" (to make it more compatible for food pantries not using that program) - Included in Resources directory is an ID List generator and templates to assist with bulk printing of barcoded ID cards. ================================================================================= Rev: 3.3 G Date: 12/23/2020 Main Update Summary: 1. Permit the tracking column headers to be user-defined (tblParameters - #19 changed from: "Track (F, C, B, hide if blank)" to now be "Track (label1,label2 ... hide if blank)" ================================================================================= Rev: 3.3 F Date: 12/13/2020 Main Update Summary: 1. Scan Barcode dialog now custom-built as a better visual for indicating it's ready to scan. 2. A note is automatically added whenever a household signs up for (or is removed from) a special event 3. Special Event button appears based on Event End Date (not just Signup End Date) so registrars can see if someone has already registered even though the sign-up date has now passed. This also allows users to do the "checked-in" process when signup end date is earlier than the event's end date. ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - A Barcode image appears after using the Scan ID button as additional visual indicator scan was used. If barcode font is not installed, also serves as a message to that effect. - Barcode ID's no longer do partial matches; it must instead match the scanned ID exactly/fully - Disabled minimize button for Today's Summary Report - Special Event button appears up to and including the end date (so you don't have to make it 1 day later) - Format adjustments to the Special Events reports - A template for an ID Card backside message has been included in the Resources directory ================================================================================= Rev: 3.3 E Date: 12/07/2020 Main Update Summary: 1. Adjusted Shopping Slip layout to work better with newly supplied Word document template ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - If changing TEFAP just before printing a Shopping Slip, "Yes/No" shown instead of "True/False" - Updated RegistrationDataSummary.xlsm so City/Zip in the Created worksheet uses more rows - The Edit Existing Patron window initially sets focus on the AlternateID field to save clicks ================================================================================= Rev: 3.3 D Date: 10/3/2020 Main Update Summary: (no new features in this release, just misc. items per below) ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Visit hour/minute changed to when form was first populated with HH data - If Admin overrides visit date, then sets back to today, current hours/minutes get used as well - Trim (remove beginning ending spaces) First/Last names as they are created (but not edited) - UserName dropdown is longer (40 instead of 22) to show more names all at once (less scrolling) - Modified method for adding a visit to fix rare issue that if 2 registration stations create HouseholdVisit records at exact same second, under certain circumstances those visit records might share the same PK_HouseholdVisit, thus counting the people within those households twice in number served reports. ================================================================================= Rev: 3.3 C Date: 9/27/2020 Main Update Summary: 1. Added an optional Shopping Slip report *** DB UPDATE REQUIRED: tblParameters - #22 added: "Shopping Slip Printer (disable if blank)" tblImages - added 2nd image for customizing ShoppingSlip bottom half 2. Added address to the "Today's Served" report ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Can now manually edit ID in Search field after scanning a barcode - Sort By in Search Window works when entering a single space character - If a configured printer cannot be found, the print dialog doesn't appear - Removed color from Special Event report headers (save ink when printing), adjusted layouts - Added tblImages to System Configuration screen ================================================================================= Rev: 3.3 B-3 Date: 9/3/2020 ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Updated some tooltips - Made date width bigger to accommodate long-date in Household Registration - Age calculations take into account leap-year Rev: 3.3 B2 Date: 8/25/2020 Main Update Summary: 1. Added ability to scan a barcode of the Household ID or an Alternative ID (e.g., Driver's License) in the Search window to find a household and/or individual 2. Added a Print ID Card button (which prints the Primary Contact and HHID as barcode) 3. Added field when creating/editing a Patron for entering/scanning an Alternative ID for future look-up 4. Added ability for Admin to rearrange the order of the Quick Notes 5. Added a Print Screen button to the Admin SearchNotes Screen 6. Added a CustomSQL Excel tool (for advanced users to extract their own desired data into Excel using SQL) 7. Change layout of Household Registration screen to better match flow and optional questions *** DB UPDATE REQUIRED: tblParameters - #21 added: "ID Printer (disable if blank)" PatronInVisit - primary key changed to just be a number (not autonumber) for SQL Field name change: AlternateID in Patron ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Added note that you can use a ? as a wildcard for Notes Searching - Changed header from "Food Pantry Registration" to "Household Registration" (better reflects screen usage) - Changed "Thanks for volunteering!" on main screen to "Thanks for serving today" (since some are paid staff) - Override of Visit Date uses 12:00:01 AM instead of midnight for clarity - Adjusted column widths better if more than one Person Question is configured - If reactivating a person into their own household and they were not a Primary Contact, make them one in their new household - Reactivate Someone into New Household city dropdown now populated with names ================================================================================= Rev: 3.3-A Date: 8/13/2020 Main Update Summary: 1. Added Military Status for each person (Active, Reserves, Veteran, None, OptOut) 2. Added a 6th optional/configurable HH question 3. Added 3 fields for optional/configurable questions on a per-person basis 4. Added reports for above new data fields 5. First and Last Names automatically get proper capitalization (1st letter upper, rest lower) when adding a new person. It is not enforced when editing an existing person (so any auto-corrections can be overridden). 6. Excel Primary Contact list now has option for including people with no visit history (takes a very long time to gather such data ... so this is off by default). It also includes Gender. Also, the phone number is now formatted and Gender is included. 7. Updated GUI to support SQLServer/SQLExpress for backend DATA and CONFIG databases 8. Added option to track not only food, but also clothing, with option to prompt for visit type (Food, Clothing, Both) *** DB UPDATE REQUIRED: Patron Table - Military, PQ1, PQ2, PQ3 (Short Text) Household Table - Q6 (Short Text) tblHouseholdQuestions - Add a 6th row/record Add a new table to CONFIG: tblPatronQuestions Shorten Shift Names (e.g., "Wednesday Morning" to "Wed AM") Primary Keys added to: tblLoginHistory (RID), FoodPantryShifts (SID), HouseholdVisit (PK_HouseholdVisit) Delete table DeactivatePatronLastRun Change tblLoginHistory field from "User" to "Registrar" tblParameters - #19 changed to: "Track (F, C, B, hide if blank)" HouseholdVisit - change default value for Clothing to be blank ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Added Average Visits per household to the Excel Data Report - You can now have an apostrophe in an email address - Formatted birth date in household table to show 0's (so numbers line up better) - Rearranged Excel Data Summary Report layout to accommodate new data - Suppressed translation web site script error messages - Cleaned up some of the built-in reports (headers, spacing) and removed some unused queries ================================================================================= Rev: 3.2-D Date: 5/18/2020 Main Update Summary: (none) ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - You can now have an apostrophe in a street name - Notes auto-scrolls back to top when using Senior Box, Birthday, and Laundry buttons ================================================================================= EXCEL UPDATE ONLY Date: 4/11/20 Main Update Summary: 1. Updated Excel Contact List to include date of last visit, and formatted printout ================================================================================= Rev: 3.2-C Date: 3/21/2020 Main Update Summary: 1. Added Unique Household Count to Excel report, with notes explaining how this may be different than when counting them by size (the latter could increase if a household size changes within the selected time period) 2. Backend DATA file can be encrypted 3. Show a warning message when creating a new person if someone with exact same Name and DOB exists 4. Added Merge button to Add New Household Member screen (appears when duplicate person is deactivated), and also in the main Household Data screen (if both people are active) 5 - Added an age breakdown for the printed ticket ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Conditional format Excel report: if 100% don't show decimal place - Rearranged the Add New Person to household entry window so the Primary selection is above the Phone/Email - If a person is deactivated within a household that already had a visit recorded for today and thus they are removed from today's count (extremely rare), you used to have to click the refresh button to update the main screen's # Served ... it is now updated automatically - Added note on "Newly Created HH/People" reports that numbers include those newly created but not yet having a visit - Moving someone into an existing household ensures they are not designated as Primary - If user says NO to adding another visit beyond those allowed, print dialog doesn't appear (if a printer has been configured) - Adjusted logo size by a couple of pixels (so 165 height doesn't stretch) - Added nicer error trap messages throughout code - The Admin feature of Fully Delete Someone can now search for a name with an apostrophe (') ================================================================================= Rev: 3.2 B Date: 2/7/2020 Main Update Summary: 1. Added link to Admin Screen to go to website for documentation/tutorials 2. Special Events Default Location parameter can now have city and zip code separated by commas (LocName, City, Zip) ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Registrar Login History now sub-sorts by date when sorting by name is selected - Registrar Login History printout forces portrait orientation in case default printer is set to landscape - Q3 text now copied to clipboard for language translation - Added note that only HH w/PrimaryContact are shown in Households Served report - Moved Summary of People & HH Served report to the top of the Special Reports column - Moved name of person signed in to the right of the Sign Out button - During initial installation, software only prompts once for each local DB file (if not mapped to R) - Paths to the database files are now shown in the System Settings screen - Notes search window made a bit narrower ================================================================================= Rev: 3.2 A Date: 12/6/19 Main Update Summary: 1. Added Track Food option to the System Configuration Parameters Table. If set to True, a Food column is shown in the household history list where lbs. of food taken can be manually entered. If false, that column is hidden and the visit date also shows time. *** DB UPDATE REQUIRED: Renamed unused field to Food in HouseholdVisit Table. Also added Clothing for future use. 2. Added Hmong to the language list. 3. Added Print button as well as YTD/All-Dates option to the Registrar Login History screen, which now uses a table so multiple pages can be printed. 4. Added "O" as gender type. Can be used for "OptOut" or "Other" as your food pantry desires. ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Changed header from "First Name" to "PRIMARY Contact" for Households Served Today report to better indicate that only Primary people are shown (and thus if a visit doesn't appear, it's for a household that has no Primary Contact specified). - If admin overrides Visit Date to another month, software no longer checks if there's a visit this month. - Excel Report updates: - shows "NoAnswer" for language if left blank - room for new Hmong language choice to be included in report - room for Gender - added header and adjusted column widths in Created tab ================================================================================= Rev: 3.1 K Date: 11/12/2019 Main Update Summary: 1 - Clicking on a Household Question copies it to the Windows Clipboard so it can be pasted into the Translation Website (using CTRL-V or else right-click-paste) 2 - Added Proxy to the Household table (editable via text entry field above Add Household Member) 3 - Added Search Notes functionality to Admin Screen 4 - Added # of Records found to bottom of search list - Excel Report: replaced the 2 zip/city worksheets with one that uses Pivot Tables - Excel Report: updated title for city/zip pivot tables to say it's 12-months thru end date ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Updated City control in Reactivate Someone dialog to use table query ================================================================================= Rev: 3.1 J Date: 10/19/2019 Main Update Summary: 1 - Added ability for Admin to change the Add Today's Visit button to any selected date 2 - Added option to print a Food Pantry Ticket (requires installation of CCode39 barcode font "ConnectCode39.ttf", included in Resources folder) ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Added validation to make sure zip code is 5 digits - Made Household ID more visible on main data page ================================================================================= Rev: 3.1 H Date: 9/6/2019 Main Update Summary: 1 - Added count of unique households to Household Visit Count report (and added labels) 2 - Added page footer showing title and date range for reports having > 1 page 3 - Report for People Served by Month now adds total of people served ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Made width wider for city names in the Reports for "...By City" - A user can now enter the primary's verification date when creating a new household and then delete it before saving - TEFAP Eligible now defaults to "Yes" for new households, and header now says to review "Income" annually to make it clearer. ================================================================================= Rev: 3.1 G Date: 8/11/2019 Main Update Summary: 1 - Added report for number of visits per household, with their Homeless and OOSA status 2 - Excel report tool uses month offsets if a 1-month range is not selected 3 - If Birthday Window parameter is -1, switch to "in the month of" for Birthday Icon 4 - You can now specify a maximum age for which the Birthday Icon will be shown (default = 18) ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Date Range shown again on several reports - Updated headers when exporting built-in report to CSV ================================================================================= Rev: 3.1 F Date: 7/19/2019 Main Update Summary: 1 - Updated pre-existing queries for "new people/households" to look at the CreatedDateTime instead of household visit records. 2 - Excel RegistrationDataSummary (dated 7/29/19 - updated titles, End) changed to include: - an additional tab for some "Newly Created People/Households" information - Unique People by Age Group - a "Trends" worksheet for New by Service Area and also Accumulated by Age - "12byCity" and "12byZip" worksheets for both New and Aggregated for People and Households over a 12-month period 3 - Unique People by Age Group report calculates age based on last date in range rather than "now" (more accurate, reduces "aging") ================================================================================= Rev: 3.1 E Date: 6/22/2019 Main Update Summary: 1 - Address Verification pops up a default web browser window so websites using scripting can now be used. Also, a message is shown on first use instructing Registrar to wait 30 seconds for it to first load. 2 - Added Move functionality into Edit Patron Dialog, updated wording in that dialog ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Changed button label from "Clean & Verify" to "Check Address" - Made Check Address button disabled if the address field is currently blank - Centered 2 reports, and fixed New People by Age Group to use time of visit for age - Added "Please wait" message for first use of the Translate website - Report for List of Patrons Served now sorted by date, then by household. Also, FirstName field made wider - Can now search for names with apostrophe's without having to enter two of them - Can add another household member whose first name has an apostrophe ================================================================================= Rev: 3.1 D Date: 6/11/2019 Main Update Summary: 1 - Created Excel Report that extracts summary data 2 - Added "Reports" as a role, allowing Report button access, but still restricting Admin button access. 3 - Added Senior Box icon button and associated setting (default = shown if someone is >= 60 years old). Clicking it adds a note. 4 - Corrected Age Calculation for some of the reports to use a person's age at the time of the visit rather than their current age. 5 - Added access to the System Configuration (parameters table) as an Admin function 6 - Added Registrar Login History view feature to the Admin functions ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Removed Bulk Deactivate from Admin functions (since this shouldn't be used anyway!) - Adjusted wording in Edit Patron window for optional demographic questions - Improved message when networked DATA/CONFIG file cannot be found - Made special case to change warning flag from "1 days ago" to "1 day ago" - Refresh the date in the upper-right corner on the main screen whenever served numbers update (in case it runs overnight without restarting) - Added Edit Patron load error message in case an odd event occurs - Allow Visit dialog now beeps to better catch Registrar's attention - Fixed issue of deleting all notes for someone and saving the resulting null record ================================================================================= Rev: 3.1 C Date: 6/6/2019 Main Update Summary: 1 - Edit Quick Notes feature added to the Admin functions 2 - Visit Frequency setting has been expanded to allow: - no checking if set to 0 - X visits per calendar month ... if parameter is only a single digit - 1 visit per so many days ... if parameter is of the format 1DD (examples: 107 means once/7-days; 128 means once/28-days) 3 - Visit limit exceeded message shown under visit history table (so a decision can be made without having to first hit the Add Visit button to see a warning) ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Q2 can be blank for reports - No longer bring up edit person when double-click event is just on table header ================================================================================= Rev: 3.1 B Date: 5/30/2019 Main Update Summary: 1 - Made copy-to-clipboard for Address Verification compatible with 64-bit version of Access. 2 - Made number of editing seconds before Add Visit warning a parameter 3 - Made Birthday flag no longer just look at month, but rather a window of days around today (e.g., 14 means look 2 weeks before and after today's date for a birthday) 4 - Added parameter to optionally show a language translation button 5 - Changed Home Screen to show which day and date for the Served numbers ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Made the "you forgot to add a visit" message into a Yes/No question, with the default going back to editing - Changed width of HH Visits by Shift Report - A ? or ' in the Notes Field no longer interrupts the update SQL query - Added a note next to DOB entry field suggesting that if unknown to use 1/1/year - Cancel (don't reset to blank) if DOB is in the future when editing a household member - Made combo list of Registrar Names a tad longer (shows 22 names instead of 16) - Added gray lines if HH questions not configured. - Added hourglass to refresh button. ================================================================================= Rev: 3.1 A Date: 5/10/2019 Main Update Summary: 1 - Added Splash Screen that checks DATA and CONFIG links and prompts for relinking if missing. 2 - Made the Add and the Delete Today's visit buttons enabled/disabled depending upon the status 3 - If user has been editing someone for > X seconds and they then do not click the Add Today's Visit button, a reminder message box appears 4 - If Out of Service Area gets checked for a new patron, or if it gets checked for an existing patron via the Change Address dialog, a date-stamp message gets added to their notes. 5 - Added icon for Not In Service Area to make it more attention getting to user 6 - Registrar Role how is an editable combo, pre-populated with the Roles already defined in the system 7 - Made the Today Served Report icon always available on the main page 8 - Added column in Find Patron window to show who is the primary contact 9 - Added CheckedIn box to Special Event Signup dialog to match BPNN update from 2018. 10 - Merged in the following Reports (and their queries): - List of Current Special Event Signups - List of Current Special Event Signups Checkin Status - List of School Age Visits - New Households by City - New Households by PostalCode - New People by AgeGroup - New People by City - New People by Ethnicity - New People by Race - New People PostalCode - Patrons by Service Area Status - Visits By City By Age Group - Visits By Zip By Age Group - Visits Total Family Members by Month (not used?) QUERIES IMPORTED: - qryPatronByServiceAreaStatus - qryNew PeopleByPostalCode - qryNew PeopleByRace - qryNew PeopleByEthnicity - qryNew PeopleByCity - qryNew PeopleByAgeGroup - qryNewHouseholdsByPostalCode - qryNewHouseholdsByCity - qrySignedUpForCurrentSpecialEventsCheckinStatus - qrySignedUpForCurrentSpecialEvents 11 - Created a query for generating a list of Primary Contacts. Also created an Excel Spreadsheet which also performs this task. Put button to launch this in the Reports page. 12 - As passwords are typed in, *'s are shown to make them more secure/private. 13 - Non-Admin Registrars can removed a primary contact from a household (a message is shown reminding to select another primary). 14 - Household size for which Laundry Icon appears is now configurable, with 0 turning this feature off. 15 - Added a reminder flag for Verification after X days (configurable via tblParameters, default = 365) 16 - Added a Today button in the Edit Patron and the Main data windows to set the Verification Date to today 17 - Updated Unique Visits by Age Group report to include the category "Unknown DOB" 18 - Fixed issue whereby children's ages were rounded in reports (now they are truncated). 19 - Added a "Last Year" date quick-set button to the Reports page. 20 - Allow Registrars to Reactivate someone (the Find function now searches both active and inactive). 21 - Show warning if adding someone to a household and there's a matching first name that's been deactivated. 22 - Move To Another Household functionality now accessible to Registrars (no longer Admin-only) 23 - Added Deactivated table to the Add Household Member dialog, permitting reactivation right there. 24 - Added QuickNote feature with pre-defined notes. Auto-prepends date and Registrar's initials. 25 - Added Active column to the Search table 26 - Notes field no longer limited to 255 characters, and permits formatted rich text 27 - Added Fully Delete function to Admin Screen 28 - Added CreateNewHousehold within the Move Person screen 29 - Allow Registrar Names to be edited 30 - Made Diaper Icon age limit configurable (0 = hidden) NOTE: potential issue ... discovered age is calculated as of now (not at time of visit) affecting age-related reports. ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Shift Organization Name for lower resolution screens - Cleaned up Special Event Signup form - Manage Registrar: Edit and Remove buttons now gray out instead of disappear. Added icons. - Made list of Registrars taller (so you can see more names) and larger font (easier to read/select) - Double-click on name in Registrar list now does an edit (shortcut) - Special Events: Edit and Remove buttons now gray out instead of disappear. Added icons. - Changed wording by Special Event Location to suggest location name be a prefix to Street address - Made Special Events list taller (to see more names) and larger font (easier to read/select) - Double-click on Event now does an edit (shortcut) - Added icons to the Admin screen - Merged in Deactivation and cleaned dialog design. Made default date as 12/31 from 2 years ago. - Rearranged/cleaned-up Move Patron form - Moved Add Today's Visit to be more centered (to help with emphasis) - Changed button in Edit Household Member screen from "Delete Person" to "Deactivate Person" - Added some cleanup of hand-typed city names (case, commas, spaces) - Search Text Prompt now better indicates you can enter Name and/or Street, Phone - Moved Household Is Homeless indicator over to the Address area (since it's blank anyway) - "Report By Q#" wording changed to "Report by Question#" (to avoid misinterpretation of any disabled buttons) - Improved Homeless designation layout and controls disabling - Removed DatePicker from VisitList in main household screen (since cannot change it anyway). Still allow clicking date, since it shows time. - Set focus to Notes (avoids then highlighting the HHID) - Fixed issue of Wait button turning back to Close button when saying No to an extra visit. - Allow editing of an existing Special Event signup date range to be set to a day in the past - Made "Birthday" and "Laundry" text blue to better indicate you can click on it - When removing the last person from a household, the household form gets cleared - Today's report button on Home Screen disabled if there are no people yet served - Changed several reports to "auto-center" (only some were set, now they all are) - With Verification flag now configurable via tblParameters, the Verify ID note on the main screen is only shown if the date is past due. - Verification date is shown in the household table instead of just Yes/No - Updated Move confirmation dialog to include the names selected as well as the ID's - Adjust layout such that NoteButton/Icons are above the Notes field instead of below. - Made City field wider to accommodate "Wisconsin Rapids" width. - Cursor no longer moves to beginning of phone field for Edit Patron if a phone already exists. - Added Default Location to the Parameters table for Special Events ----------------------- *** DB UPDATE REQUIRED: Database Upgrade Steps: - If upgrading from 2.z - Use Access to split the DB - Delete Zipcode and Areas Served tables (since instead these are in the CONFIG file) - In Household table: Change Employment to Q1 Change IncomeAssistance to Q2 Change Disability to Q3 Add Q4 Add Q5 Notes field changed to Rich Text - If upgrading from 3.0c - Data: Add checkedIn Yes/No field to SpecialEventParticiption table - Data: Add DayName shortext field to FoodPantryShifts - Config: Add tblQuickNotes; also add two parameters (done automatically via programming) - Household table's Notes field changed to Rich Text ================================================================================= Rev: 3.0 C Date: 2/20/2018 Main Update Summary: 1 - Layout changes to Home Screen: takes advantage of the entire 1920x1080 screen automatically adjusts to slightly lower resolutions (e.g., Pat s desktop monitor is lower res) has a Refresh button for # Served as part of multi-terminal entry support (described later) offers a new look automatically retrieves Logo image from DB table (so other pantries don't have to program it) removed the word Patron from the title, because some pantries use the term Client or Guest 2 - Multi-Workstation Support (now possible to have 2 or more data entry PC s, all pointing to one DATA DB) Known caveats are: you cannot edit 1 family at more than 1 PC at the exact same time (a scenario that should never happen anyway!); only 1 station can be editing data for any given household at that moment (since simultaneous changes of one household/person would result in last write wins scenarios). the statistics on the home page only refresh when that workstation has entered a visit. So, a refresh button has been added to update the numbers from other workstations right from the home page. 3 - Split Database: GUI, DATA, CONFIG 4 - Improved Security Home Login Page is now full screen and serves as the base. All other windows are now pop-up dialogs that appear on top of this main interface (in contrast, 2.0 simply opened them as tabs within the Access environment, allowing anyone to more easily see areas they should not) If you right-click and attempt to Close the main form (to get at the tables), it asks you for a password. This password is configurable in the tblParameters table, and the feature gets turned off if the password is null. In 2.0, anyone could access the Reports and very easily access the wealth of data. The Reports button is now disabled if the person signed in is not designated as Admin. Further, both the Reports button and the Admin button now appear grayed out when that is the case. With the GUI database now separated from the data/config databases, it can be Compiled by saving it as an ACCDE file. This locks the volunteer users out of the code entirely! It also stops them from messing with the forms and report layouts (design view gets disabled). In 2.0, Reports were opened as tabs, allowing people to adjust their layout, data collection, and more. It also allowed for easy-access to the system. It also made it more difficult to refresh a report with different date ranges (you had to remember to close the report first). 3.0 now opens these in Print-Preview mode: more secure and no longer possible to think the date range changed when it did not. NOTE: you can easily print, save as a PDF, export to excel, etc. by right-clicking on the print-preview of the report. 5 - Website Verification of Address: if you enter a web address in the tblParameters database, the Clean Address button for new households becomes Clean & Verify , and will not only standardize the address but also bring up the website directly in the software. 6 - Pantry Visit Count Warning: Registrars are given a warning message if a Household visit already exists in the month. A parameter was added to the CONFIG database so you can easily change the frequency permitted from 1 to any other number. You can thus change the food pantries policy without having to re-program a hard-coded value (e.g., just change the setting to 2 to allow patrons to visit twice per month). Setting the value to 0 will remove the frequency restriction (for pantries allowing visits every day) 7 - Dietary Restriction Question can be hidden 8 - Household Questions expanded from 3 to 5, now configurable. In addition to the dietary question, the old version had room for 3 household questions. By making use of a taller screen, there is now room for 5 questions. All 5 can now be configured via the CONFIG db. Each one can have defined: Question wording Set of answers allowed in dropdown list Clarification text (optional ... appears under question) Report Button name Report Title 9 - Expanded Race Options: You can now define via the CONFIG database table which Race Choices are available in the dropdown lists 10 - Warn if Age > 100 Years Old 11 - Plays a sound for Add Visit (optional) 12 - There are now 10 additional reports to get the Counts per Question 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 by either Household or by Patron. ----------------------------- Miscellaneous, Minor Changes: - Bug Fix: people could change the Primary Email on the overall summary screen (incorrect) but it doesn t save (correct). So, I made the control locked to fix this discrepancy so people don t think it s changed when it s not. - Made ESC key shortcut for closing pop-up forms (windows standard) - Set focus to Home Screen controls in sequence so Enter key can be used to log in and bring up Find dialog - Made city name, email, race entry controls wider in dialogs to accommodate longer text - Minor tweaks to control alignment, made dialogs a tad bigger for more white space - Made some background and font color changes